If you’re on Instagram, feel free to follow me. You can also follow my hiking adventures right here without having to be part of any social media accounts. The posts below are ordered from newest to oldest. Click any image to read more.

I’m playing around with a water bottle phone/camera stand and a new photo timer app for a trip I have coming up later this month. I still don’t have the settings dialed in. 🤔

#hiking #bouldercolorado #colorado #continentaldivide

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This looks like something out of a fairytale. #hiking ...

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It`s finally starting to look and feel a lot like spring. My day may have started off below freezing, but I`ll take whatever sunshine I can get.

#hiking #colorado #coloradogram #coloradolife

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This is Elk Falls in Staunton State Park near Conifer, Colorado.

I`m not going to pretend to be humble; I crushed this hike. I did 14.5 miles in 4.5 hours with 2400 feet of elevation gain. It wasn`t that hard of a hike, but I`m also not in that great of shape. But I`m getting better.

I have a backpacking trip in South Dakota later this month and I am very optimistic about how easily these miles came and went.

#hiking #waterfalls #waterfall #colorado #coloradolife

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This is Browns Creek Falls in the San Isabel National Forest near Buena Vista.

This hike required over 5 miles of post-holing to get a photo of this "waterfall." I use that term loosely. My legs are absolutely chewed up. I sunk so deep in the snow that my cell phone popped out of my pocket more than once.

Well, I came for the exercise and I certainly got it. So there`s that, I guess. I would not do this again.

#hiking #colorado #coloradolife #waterfall #waterfalls

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This is Agnes Vaille Falls near Mt Princeton in the Collegiate Peaks. I`m looking forward to exploring more of this area over the summer and fall.

#hiking #colorado #coloradolife #waterfalls #waterfall

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It`s that time of year when it feels like winter at dawn, spring at midday, and fall at dusk.

#hiking #bouldercolorado colorado #coloradolife

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This place is like a mini Garden of the Gods, except without the I-25 traffic and cars full of tourists swarming around looking for parking spots. And all within a half hour of downtown Denver.

#hiking #colorado #coloradolife

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The Flatirons never disappoint.

#hiking #flatirons #bouldercolorado #colorado #coloradolife

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My photos app just reminded me of this #selfie from seven years ago. I think this is dawn on Black Balsam Knob, a popular part of the Art Loeb Trail in the Blue Ridge Mountains. This was the morning after what was probably the coldest night I had spent in the wilderness at that point. Where does the time go?

#hiking #backpacking #pisgahnationalforest #shiningrockwilderness #blueridgemountains #blackbalsamknob #mountains #adventure #optoutside #outdoors #getoutside

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I saw so many bighorn sheep today that I stopped pulling my phone out of my pocket.

#hiking #colorado #watertoncanyon #littletoncolorado

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Just taking in the sunshine on this gorgeous day.

#hiking #colorado #watertoncanyon #littletoncolorado #mountains #adventure #optoutside #outdoors #getoutside

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The lower reservoir at Watertown Canyon, the northern terminus of the Colorado Trail. This area is crawling with wildlife.

#hiking #colorado #watertoncanyon #littletoncolorado

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I caught an Uber this morning and got dropped off on the other end of the Beaver Brook Trail in Genesee. I hiked it all the way back to downtown Golden. My microspikes might as well have been ice skates because I slid all over the ice, snow, and rocks on the ridge above Clear Creek Canyon. It made for a challenging 11-mile walk.

But the funny thing about Colorado is that the temperature can seem irrelevant. If you`re in the sun—and the wind is not blowing—it`s warm.

#hiking #colorado #clearcreekcanyon #goldencolorado #mountains

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