Caesars Head Spring

Caesars Head Spring
 (Rating: 4.4/5, 16 Votes)

Caesars Head Spring is a natural source for mineral water in upstate South Carolina. Like Moody Spring, it’s a roadside resource for anyone who wants to wet their lips.

The spring is on Highway 276 below Caesars Head State Park. There is a tiny pull-out directly in front of the spring, but only enough room for one car.

I often top off my water bottles at the spring when I’m driving from Brevard or Mountain Bridge back home. There’s something about the taste of the spring water that I find endearing.

The flow of the spring is a reflection of the recent rainfall. I snapped this photo after torrential rains. It will slow to a trickle or cease completely during a drought.


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Caesars Head Spring
 (Rating: 4.4/5, 16 Votes)

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Digital Marketing Strategist

I'm the C.C. in C.C. Hikes. I'm a digital marketing specialist by trade and an avid weekend explorer. I built this site to log my travels to interesting parks, trails, and roadside attractions. You can use my travelog to discover fun places to visit and then use my interactive map to navigate there. Or browse through the categories to find something you like.

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  1. Jack W Davenport

    Great work. I grew up between Cleveland and Wildcat, at Blythe shoals. Many thanks.

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